IBM PC - Announcement Letters - 281-65


Announcement date:           1981-08-12
Announcement number:         281-65
Original announcement text:  THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER

All items announced with the immediate availability.

Standard configurations (system unit/keyboard):

Type  Model  
5150  813    Configuration 1 (48KB RAM, one 5 1/4 Inch-160KB Diskette Drive, Asynchronous Communications Adapter)
5150  824    Configuration 2 (64KB RAM, two 5 1/4 Inch-160KB Diskette Drives, Asynchronous Communications Adapter)


Type  Model
5151  001    IBM Monochrome Display
5152  001    IBM 80 CPS Matrix Printer

1501100  Keyboard

1504900  IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter
1504910  Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter
1505200  Printer Adapter

1501001  16KB Memory Expansion Kit
1501011  32KB Memory Expansion Option
1501012  64KB Memory Expansion Option

1503780  5 1/4 Inch Diskette Drive Adapter
1503800  5 1/4 Inch-160KB Diskette Drive

1502074  Asynchronous Communications Adapter
1501300  Game Control Adapter

1525612  Printer Cable


1525614  Printer Stand

System software:

6024001  IBM Personal Computer Diskette Software (DOS Diskette)

6024010  IBM Personal Computer PASCAL Compiler

Application software:

6024032  Asynchronous Communications Support

6024004  VisiCalc
6024005  EasyWriter

6024008  General Ledger by Peachtree Software, Inc.
6024009  Accounts Receivable by Peachtree Software, Inc.
6024007  Accounts Payable by Peachtree Software, Inc.

6024006  Microsoft Adventure

6025077  Advanced Diagnostics Package


5-1/4" diskettes
9-1/2" x 11" single ply, 20 lb., blank, white paper with 1 1/2" tear-off carrier strips

Source of information: IBM Offering Information, Announcement Letters

Page created: 2021-08-11   Page last updated: 2021-08-12